Tuesday, November 23, 2010

whithout changes in Mel Gibson's custody battle with Oksana Grigorieva

The judge in Mel Gibson's custody battle with Oksana Grigorieva postponed a decision until he hears more from both parties, which won't happen until December.

Both parties appeared in court yesterday not no decision was reached. Mel moved to strip Oksana of custody of their daughter, Lucia, and she was on the stand.

Mel believes her recent interview on Larry King proves her main goal is perpetrating a smear campaign against him and not acting in the best interests of Lucia.

Mel claims he has photos that prove Oksana lied about the abuse she says she suffered at his hands. Grigorieva claims she and Lucia were hurt by Mel in January.

The custody fight is concurrent with investigations into Mel for domestic violence and Oksana for extortion, neither of which has resulted in any charges ... yet.

Judge Scott Gordon will pick up testimony sometime in December.